Five Things You Can do to Relieve the Anxiety and Stress of 2020

Sis, let's face it, 2020 has been a doozy. With the holidays approaching, Covid-19 still looming, Civil Unrest and the 2020 Presidential Race in chaos, we're all feeling stressed and anxious. The thought of uncertainty and confusion is undoubtedly triggering anxiety, depression, stress, fear, insomnia and restlessness in most of us. We're all looking for solutions on how to relieve those feelings. We wanted to save you a ton of google searches and put together a list of Five things we do to relieve stress and anxiety.
Number One, keep in mind this list is in no particular order and can be done whenever or however you please (cause that's your business).
One of our top recommendations for anxiety and stress relief is to take your mind off the situation and surround yourself with things that bring you joy. If your kids make you smile, spend a little extra time with them. Are you like us and love all things crafty? Start a new project. Create something beautiful you can treasure. One of our favorite Crafters, Resourceful Nikki, has tons of great ideas on her site. If you love to cook, make your favorite comfort food. If it's not healthy, that's okay. Indulge in six cheese mac & cheese from Darius Cooks, bake the most delicious icing laid cake or whatever you like. Lately we've been staking recipes from Jocelyn Delk Adams of Grand Baby Cakes. The point of these activities is to focus on something other than the cause of anxiety and stress. Taking your mind off of a situation that brings you negative energy and replacing it with feelings of joy is a great way to get through stressful situations.

Vivian Rose Body & Bath's Jojoba Body Wash
Number two on our list of top five things to do to relieve stress and anxiety is prepare. Prepare yourself for any anxiety or stress-inducing events. Get ahead of it! Do you have a big meeting scheduled, or is this the day we're expecting a breaking news story to crack? When you know we're facing something difficult in your day, start it with calming rituals. Vivian Rose Body & Bath's Lavender and Chill Body Wash can turn an ordinary shower into a relaxation session. Reduce stressful feelings with the scent of Lavender, Chamomile, Rose & Calendula combined in our creamy Jojoba Body Wash. You'll be calm, ready for the day and bossed up to handle whatever comes your way.
Vivian Rose Body & Bath's Lavender & Chill Triple Butter Body Mousse
Number three on our list goes hand in hand with number two. After your stress relieving shower with our Lavender and Chill Jojoba Body Wash, massage our Lavender & Chill Triple Butter Body Mousse into your skin. Work through any tight spots that may be carrying tension and stress. Pay extra attention to your shoulders and lower back. The Mousse will keep your skin soft and enhance the scent of Lavender that will stay with you throughout the day. Making sure you feel good is essential to keeping you calm and stress-free.
Vivian Rose Body & Bath's Lavender & Chill Luxe Body Mist and Shea Butter Body Creme
Our number four tip is to surround yourself with things that can instantly change your mood and relieve stress and anxiety as they appear. Vivian Rose Body & Bath's Lavender and Chill Luxe Body Mist is the perfect calming spray. After your calming shower with our Jojoba Body Wash and relaxing massage with our Triple Butter Body Mousse, amplify our Lavender and Chill scent even more with our Body Mist. Spray on your body and your clothes so that the essence of lavender, chamomile, calendula and rose releases the calming scent throughout the day. Our Luxe Body Mists are also great room and linen sprays. Spray your space as needed throughout the day and mist your sheets at night before you climb into bed.
Vivian Rose Body & Bath's Shea Butter Foaming Body Soak
Number five is our FAVORITE way to relieve anxiety and stress here at Vivian Rose Body & Bath is, of course, a bath. We were born after our founder, Tahirah Francis, wanted a relaxing bath with products that worked for her skin type. Buying products from big box stores didn't provide her with what she needed, so she created her own. Shea Butter Foaming mood enhancing body soaks are designed to lift your senses, soothe your body and leave your skin soft and smooth. Fill your tub with warm water and add two handfuls of our luxe body soak mix and slide into the foaming layer of luxury. Made with the highest quality Epsom salt, this soak not only elevates your mood, but it soothes tired muscles and puts you at ease. You won't believe how hydrated and smooth your skin will feel. The Shea Butter and Sweet Almond Oil provide moisture that lasts hours after your bath ends. Our Rest Lavender and Chill Shea Butter Foaming Body Soak is exacty what you need to free your mind. Let the calming scent of Lavender, Chamomile, Calendula, and Rose soothe your mind, calm anxiety, and give you the comfort you deserve. Our Rest Shea Butter Foaming Body Soak is the remedy for tired minds and bodies. A warm bath with our rest soak is a great way to get your mind and body ready for sleep. If things have been keeping you up at night and insomnia is your new bestie, this could be the key to the rest your body so desperately needs.
In short, these are our top 5 ways to relieve anxiety and stress. Our biggest recommendation (and maybe we should have said six ways) is to unplug. A moment of quiet or meditation can work wonders for your spirit. We'd love to hear if you've used our Lavender and Chill to relax. Email us anytime with your stories at
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